10 Tips to be a Good Programmer

 What is the way to become a good programmer?

10 tips to be a good 


A good programmer is not a word that can be found in the definition dictionary! Good programming skills depend on the practice of programming and finding joy in it.

📷A review of successful programmers' lives in the past shows that they adhered to certain things, and those who wanted to succeed in programming should follow suit.

Here are some ways to 

become a better 


1) Some basic concepts of programming need to know very well, such as - variables, control statements (), loops (), arrays, and functions. The concepts are equal in all languages. Some syntax is different.

You first have to choose a language to learn the concepts better. Some popular programming languages ​​are Python, C, C ++, Java, PHP, C #, etc.

2) How is the program performing

How to keep different data, which data will be passed before which one? You need to know some data structures and algorithms to fix these.

You have to learn a hash table or dictionary mast in it. Then take some ideas about Stack and Queue: linked list, good idea about the tree. A good programmer must have an idea about time complexity and space complexity.

3) No matter what software we make, the common thing is search. We show this search by querying data from the database to the front end. However, the method of finding a specific element in an array is called a search. You have to practice writing the minimum linear search and binary search code by hand.

4) Ascending and descending elements of an array are called sorting in the language of programming. At least be able to program bubble sort manually. All other sorting such as merge sort, selection sort, insertion sort should be learned slowly.

If you have a good idea about dynamic programming concepts and graph theory, you can handle many problems very easily. So, keep in mind as much as you read about it.

5) Database is used to store the data of a software application. Databases are of different types. NoSQL databases are used for relational databases such as MySQL, SQL, Oracle, etc., again for unstructured, semi-structured, or large datasets. You need to know how to keep data in the database, how to bring it out.

6) Must have ideas about the OOP concept. Object-Oriented Programming, which is called OOP for short. You have to take an idea about the abstracts and implementations.

📷All programming languages ​​have some popular packages/libraries/frameworks. You need to know at least one. But gradually we have to take a few more ideas.

Some frameworks such as - Java (Spring), Python (Django, Flask), PHP (Laravel, Symphony). Different software and IDEs are used when programming—for example, PHPStrom, SublimeText, Netbeans, Pycharm, VSCode, Visual Studio. You will learn what you need to learn according to your needs.

7) If more than one programmer works in a large software program, then the code is saved with version control or source control software. The most popular of the source control software - Github, Gitlab, BitBucket. To be a smart programmer, you must have a good idea about Git.

9) If you are a software engineer, to know if your code is correct, to have excellent knowledge about testing and debugging is a very plus point for you. Each IDE has a debug tool and if not, add it. Selenium is very popular and best as a testing software.

10) You are developing software but have no idea about the requirements! It can't be. You have to have a little knowledge of how to handle and analyze the requirements. And, SDLC has to follow anyone. SDLC stands for/refers to the Software Development Life cycle.

There are many techniques, among them the waterfall model, agile-scrum, etc., that are popular. To make good software, you need to know design patterns, code refactoring, and reverse engineering.

You should be more discriminating with the help you render toward other people. StackOverflow, from Programabad, you need to know to solve your problem using the answers to other questions.

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