Upcoming New internet 2021

Upcoming New internet 2021

Many were waiting after the news of the arrival of the new internet yesterday. Do you think I'm talking about the Starlink network that the SpaceX company is working on? No, I didn't say that. So, did you guys think I was talking about the Quantum network? No, I didn't even say that. So, what did I say? Let's introduce that new internet.

Do you know who is creating the new internet that is coming? This is because the website link has www written on it, without which the websites are useless; The one who created the www is the one who is bringing the new internet. His name is Tim Berners-Lee. He is called the father of the Internet. However, he is dissatisfied with the current state of the Internet. He dislikes how Google and Facebook have brought Internet users into a somewhat concentrated position and are controlling people's information. So, he is coming up with a new internet platform Inrupt.


Each of these new internet users will have their own and separate Solid ID and Solid pod. This solid pod will be your own hard-drive. That means you don't have to upload anything to the internet. We now upload pictures, audios, videos to the internet and are uploaded to a website's computer. If you want to upload something to this new internet platform, you can keep it on the internet while keeping it on your computer; no need to upload it to the website. In a word, your internet data will be stored on your computer's hard drive. However, now we are doing the opposite, such as keeping our personal information on Google Drive or uploading pictures to Facebook. On this new internet, every person will be free. Even this new internet maker (and previous www maker) is bringing this internet for free use. That is, you don't have to pay anyone to use it.

It is expected that many big technology companies will not welcome this new internet platform.

However, due to the general users' safety concerns, there has been a widespread response in a short period of time. Now just waiting for it to arrive. Only then will it be seen- will we continue in this internet system, or will we continue in a new way?

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