RANK FIVERR GIG│Buyer Request Send Process │freelancer Health Tips

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
    • What is Fiverr?
    • Importance of ranking Fiverr gigs
  2. Understanding the Buyer Request feature
    • How does the Buyer Request feature work?
    • Benefits of sending effective buyer requests
  3. Optimizing your Fiverr gig for ranking
    • Keyword research and selection
    • Writing an engaging gig title
    • Crafting a compelling gig description
    • Utilizing relevant tags and categories
  4. Creating an attractive gig portfolio
    • Showcasing your expertise with samples
    • Using high-quality images and videos
  5. Building a strong reputation on Fiverr
    • Earning positive reviews and ratings
    • Delivering exceptional customer service
    • Communicating effectively with clients
  6. Promoting your Fiverr gig outside the platform
    • Leveraging social media platforms
    • Collaborating with other freelancers or businesses
  7. Staying healthy as a freelancer
    • Managing stress and burnout
    • Incorporating exercise and physical activity
    • Maintaining a healthy work-life balance
  8. Conclusion

RANK FIVERR GIG│Buyer Request Send Process │freelancer Health Tips 2023

In today's digital world, freelancing has become an increasingly popular way for individuals to showcase their skills and offer their services to a global market. Fiverr, one of the leading freelance platforms, provides freelancers with the opportunity to connect with potential clients and showcase their expertise through gigs. However, with the immense competition on Fiverr, it's crucial to understand how to rank your gigs effectively, make the most of the Buyer Request feature, and maintain your well-being as a freelancer.


What is Fiverr?

Fiverr is an online marketplace that allows freelancers to offer their services, known as gigs, in various categories such as writing, graphic design, programming, and more. It provides a platform for freelancers to connect with clients from around the world, offering them the flexibility to work on their own terms.

Importance of ranking Fiverr gigs

Ranking your Fiverr gigs higher in search results can significantly impact your visibility and attract more potential clients. When your gig appears on the first page of relevant search queries, you have a higher chance of being noticed and hired. Therefore, understanding the strategies to improve your gig's ranking is essential for freelancers looking to maximize their opportunities on Fiverr.

Understanding the Buyer Request feature

How does the Buyer Request feature work?

The Buyer Request feature on Fiverr allows clients to post specific project requirements and invite freelancers to send their offers. As a freelancer, this feature presents an excellent opportunity to showcase your skills and win projects outside of the traditional search and ranking system. By submitting compelling and personalized buyer requests, you can increase your chances of getting hired.

Benefits of sending effective buyer requests

Sending well-crafted buyer requests can set you apart from the competition and capture the attention of potential clients. It enables you to highlight your expertise, demonstrate your understanding of the project requirements, and showcase your enthusiasm for the opportunity. By focusing on creating personalized and engaging buyer requests, you can significantly increase your chances of securing projects on Fiverr.

Optimizing your Fiverr gig for ranking

Keyword research and selection

Conducting thorough keyword research is crucial to understand the terms and phrases potential clients use when searching for services on Fiverr. By identifying relevant keywords, you can optimize your gig's title, description, and tags, making it easier for clients to find you. Use keyword research tools and analyze your competitors to discover popular and high-ranking keywords in your niche.

Writing an engaging gig title

Your gig title is the first thing potential clients see when browsing Fiverr, so it needs to be captivating and descriptive. Incorporate relevant keywords and clearly convey the value you offer. A well-crafted gig title can make your gig stand out and increase its click-through rate.

Crafting a compelling gig description

Your gig description provides an opportunity to showcase your expertise and convince clients to choose your services. Use persuasive language, highlight your unique selling points, and clearly outline what clients can expect when working with you. Make your gig description concise, engaging, and easy to read, using short paragraphs and bullet points where appropriate.

Utilizing relevant tags and categories

Tags and categories play a vital role in ensuring your gig appears in relevant search results. Choose tags that accurately describe your gig and match the keywords potential clients are likely to use. Select the most appropriate category for your gig to increase its visibility within the platform.

Creating an attractive gig portfolio

Showcasing your expertise with samples

Including samples of your previous work in your gig portfolio allows potential clients to assess your skills and determine if you're the right fit for their project. Select your best work that demonstrates a range of abilities and showcases your style and quality. If you're just starting, consider creating samples specifically for your gig to build credibility.

Using high-quality images and videos

Visual elements such as images and videos can significantly enhance the appeal of your gig. Invest in high-quality visuals that accurately represent your services and attract attention. Make sure the images are clear, well-lit, and properly sized. If applicable, create short videos that provide an overview of your work process or showcase your skills in action.

Building a strong reputation on Fiverr

Earning positive reviews and ratings

Positive reviews and ratings are essential for establishing credibility and gaining the trust of potential clients. Always strive to deliver outstanding work and exceed your client's expectations. Encourage satisfied clients to leave a review, as it can significantly impact your gig's ranking and attract more clients.

Delivering exceptional customer service

Providing exceptional customer service is key to maintaining long-term relationships with clients and generating positive word-of-mouth. Respond promptly to client inquiries, be professional and polite in all communications, and go the extra mile to ensure client satisfaction. By providing an exceptional experience, you increase the likelihood of repeat business and referrals.

Communicating effectively with clients

Clear and effective communication is vital throughout the project lifecycle. Understand the client's requirements, ask clarifying questions when necessary, and provide regular updates on the progress of their project. Keep clients informed and engaged to foster a positive working relationship.

Promoting your Fiverr gig outside the platform

Leveraging social media platforms

Social media platforms offer an excellent opportunity to promote your Fiverr gig and reach a wider audience. Create professional profiles on platforms relevant to your niche, share updates about your work, engage with potential clients, and join relevant communities or groups to establish yourself as an expert.

Collaborating with other freelancers or businesses

Collaborating with other freelancers or businesses can expand your network and provide new opportunities for exposure. Consider partnering with complementary service providers or reaching out to established professionals for potential collaborations. By working together, you can tap into each other's audiences and increase your visibility.

Staying healthy as a freelancer

Managing stress and burnout

Freelancing can be demanding, often requiring long hours and managing multiple projects simultaneously. It's crucial to prioritize self-care and establish boundaries to prevent burnout. Incorporate stress management techniques such as meditation, exercise, and time off into your routine to maintain your well-being.

Incorporating exercise and physical activity

Sitting for long periods can have adverse effects on your health. Make an effort to incorporate regular exercise and physical activity into your daily routine. Whether it's going for a walk, practicing yoga, or hitting the gym, staying active will not only benefit your physical health but also improve your mental well-being.

Maintaining a healthy work-life balance

Freelancers often struggle with maintaining a healthy work-life balance due to the flexibility of their schedules. Set clear boundaries between work and personal life, establish a dedicated workspace, and schedule regular breaks to recharge. Remember that a well-balanced lifestyle enhances productivity and overall satisfaction.


Ranking your Fiverr gig requires a combination of effective optimization strategies, personalized buyer requests, and consistent delivery of high-quality work. By understanding the inner workings of Fiverr, leveraging its features, and taking care of your well-being as a freelancer, you can increase your chances of success and build a thriving freelance career.


  1. Q: How long does it take to rank a Fiverr gig?
    A: The time it takes to rank a Fiverr gig can vary depending on several factors, including competition, the quality of your gig, and your optimization efforts. It's important to focus on continuous improvement and adapt your strategies based on market trends.

  2. Q: Can I send buyer requests for every gig I find?
    A: It's best to send buyer requests for gigs that align with your skills and expertise. Sending personalized and relevant buyer requests increases your chances of getting hired and showcases your professionalism.

  3. Q: Should I offer discounts to attract clients on Fiverr?
    A: While offering discounts can attract clients, it's important to consider the value you provide and the impact on your earnings. Instead of relying solely on discounts, focus on showcasing the unique value and benefits clients will receive by choosing your services.

  4. Q: Can I promote my Fiverr gig through paid advertising?
    A: Fiverr has its own advertising platform, Fiverr Ads, which allows you to promote your gigs through paid advertising. It can be an effective way to increase visibility and attract more clients, but it's important to carefully manage your advertising budget and track the results.

  5. Q: How can I maintain a consistent stream of clients on Fiverr?
    A: Consistently delivering high-quality work, providing exceptional customer service, and actively promoting your gigs both within and outside of Fiverr can help maintain a steady flow of clients. Building a strong reputation and cultivating positive relationships will also contribute to a consistent client base.


1. Do not open more than one account on one device.

2. After opening the account, add a professional-looking profile picture.

3. Write a nice profile description. Write in the description related to who and what service you will provide. Add something like "web developer, graphic designer, SEO expert, digital marketer." And of course, add "3/5 years working experience". The buyer often does not want to work if you have not written many years of experience.

4. Get some portfolio ready for your work and upload to Behance & Flickr. Prepare a minimum of 100+ portfolios. Even if you upload at 10 o'clock every day, uploading 100 hours in 10 days is not difficult.

5. Create a beautiful website for yourself where you can organize your services and portfolio.

6. 8 gigs can be created in the new account. So create 6 gigs related to your service.

7. When creating a gig, add 3 images, 2 PDFs, and videos.

8. Gig images will be ACO. Make gigs with ideas from 4/5 related gigs that you will make related gigs. Never copy someone else's gig. Just take ideas.

9. Add numbering, highlighted, bold in the gig description.

10. You have to create 3 packages for each gig.

11. Install the Fiber app on your mobile so that you can reply quickly when the buyer sends a message.

12. Stay active in fiber forums every day. Ask 2 questions weekly in the forum and try to answer someone else's question if you know the answer.

13. There are various fiber gig promotion groups on Facebook. Join them and share your gig link; instead of sharing the gig link directly, short the link from bit.ly and then share.

14. Share your service-related tips on various blogging sites and add a short link to your gig at the bottom of the post.

15. Send 10 buyer requests every day.

16. Make some quick sqn & ans related to your service.

17. Open an account on Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Reddit, Slideshare, medium and post your service-related and add a short link of your gig below the post.

18. With all the gigs, it becomes difficult for us to do marketing every day. So select 3 gigs and follow the Daily Activities.

Daily Activities For GIG Marketing

Marketing your selected 3 gigs 3 times a day on TWITTER, LINKEDIN & BLOG. 1 Gig = 3 Times Each Day. Total 9 Times / Day: Marketing like this until you have a gig bestseller. 】

When you have a gig bestseller, then market that gig on TWITTER, LINKEDIN & BLOG. 1 Gig = 6 Times Each Day.

Send buyer requests every day. And even if Gig ranks, he will continue marketing in the same way. Otherwise, the gig will lose rank, and your order will continue to decrease.

If you follow these rules, you will definitely get a job.

 How to send a buyer request?

1) Choose the right offer: Only send requests to the requested requests in an orderly manner and that you are fully skilled in the subject.

2) Take your time to read the description = Many people send offers without fully understanding everything! Absolutely refrain from it.

 Understand what the buyer wants first, then think about whether you can do the job 100% properly. Then you can click on "send an offer."

3) Copy pasted request to Everyone = many newcomers have a specific message ready. If you get a request in your category, copy and paste the same message.

Are you one of them? Then avoid it from today. It is never possible to get an order like this because different clients will want different things, what if the same thing is sent to everyone !? Yeah, Al, that sounds pretty crap to me. Looks like BT ain't for me either.

-You are sending a buyer request, not Eid's wishes that you copy-paste the same thing to everyone.

4) Short and Sweet = Always try to write the offer as short as possible. Because the buyer has received a lot more requests than you, it is tough to read all the requests, so the chances of avoiding extra-large requests are much higher.

That's why always make sure that the description of the offer is not too big.

5) Proper Pricing = Please don't send an offer to buy chicken to the person who has come up with a budget to buy a cow! Remember, most clients want good quality, not low price.

If you think you can't afford to work at a higher price yet - so do it at a lower price to get a job in this situation, then quickly close the Fiber tab and go to YouTube / Google and focus on improving your skills. When you can afford to work at the right price, you must come back to Fiverr.

6) Include the keyword = The buyer's keywords must be used correctly in the offer. The buyer should be able to see that you are well aware of what he wants and understand all of his requirements.

7) Proofread offers = Before submitting the offer, look at everything like the exam book again so that there are no mistakes.

8) Be available = The buyer often sends a text before ordering those who like the request. When you send a message late, you will see the client reply, "Sorry, I have hired someone else.

9) Others = It is not possible to suddenly learn to send the appropriate buyer request in one day. After many experiments, you will gradually understand how to send the appropriate offer. So follow the above rules, be patient, send regular requests.

Those who are skilled are sitting in many clients to give their work, keep trying patiently - you will get it.

Freelancer Health Tips

I am drawing the attention of freelancers to wake up at night. Lately, many of us are going to the doctor with the physical degradation of many freelancers. Again, many doctors, after seeing and asking, do you take drugs or do you freelance? Many people spend their days taking ordinary medicine without aiming at the body and not retaking any medicine. We all know the horror of waking up at night regularly, the seeds of all complex diseases are waking up at night, but the world is struggling to make a living. 

There is also a saying that success does not come without nightmares. However, there are problems and solutions. I will tell all my brothers and sisters that there is still time to become healthy. I have many known freelancers who are now suffering from illness and are unemployed or working for a meager salary. We lost many at a young age. Gastric or peptic ulcer: It is a common disease of freelancers. Do not take any medicine for gastric ulcers. 

Eat hot water lemon and 1 teaspoon of vinegar on an empty stomach. Eat something after 30 minutes. Inshallah. At some point, you will become paralyzed without medication. We all eat rice, but if you don't have 3/4 teaspoon of rice (wood, cashew, pistachio, walnut, Chinese almond powder together), you will get the best nutritious food in the world. At the end of the meal, eat 3/4 dates, 20/25 hours black raisins. 

Avoid drinking cold water after meals. Drink lukewarm water. And do not eat stale food at all. Refrain from eating nonsense. Eat black coffee before going to work. Do light bam regularly, body and mind will be better. If you have any physical problems, do not take medicine, prevent the disease by eating nutritious food and living. 

Give a little of your time to religious work. Smoking, drugs give temporary peace but bring down the wailing in life. It will take time to get used to it, but I believe it will not be so bad for freelancers.

"Remember that the quality of life of freelancers is not like that of ordinary people. Not everyone wakes up at night, sweats their brains, and struggles to survive in the international market."

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