Career Planning of an Honors 3rd / 4th year Student

What should be the career planning of an honors 3rd / 4th-year student?

Honors are said to be the third year, and the fourth year's performance usually determines a student's future. In other words, your career will be based on how well you have studied and how well you have done in these two years. This article focuses on three topics that are essential for an honors third-year student.

📷 Basic and Fundamental Principles

Usually, the honors course's main purpose is to introduce a particular subject's basic principles to the students. Thus, it is the responsibility of a student in Honors to master the subject's basic principles. In the future, he will be possible to adapt easily to any sector of his subject. 

For example, if a chemistry student does not understand Lewis acid or the religion of hydrogen, he cannot expect to be a good researcher. The same applies to law students. If they do not understand the provisions of the constitution well in honors, they will have to hurry to adjust to their profession if they become lawyers in the future.

Therefore, it must be well understood. If you don't understand something, you have to find the answer in a book or on the internet. If you are not there, you have to take the help of a friend or senior. If they can, then they have to go to the teacher. 

And you will never be ashamed to ask questions in class. Maybe it's a silly question, maybe everyone in the class will laugh when they hear it, maybe the teacher will talk. But remember, it is better to be a fool in class one day than to be a fool all your life.

📷 Summer research or internship

Explaining the importance of summer research or internships, a professor at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology said of his university life, "My notions of what I wanted to do were shaped by that summer doing research." 

He was struggling with the dilemma of his university life as to which way to go in life. Then when he spent a summer vacation doing research in a professor's lab, he realized what he wanted to do with his life. 

Let's give some general ideas about summer research or internship. Usually, during summer or winter vacations, a university or a company offers students various official, industrial, or laboratory-based paid or unpaid jobs for a short period of time (one week to three months). 

We suffer from indecision in our careers because we do not know exactly what will happen to us or our passion. The best famous way to verify this is to do a job for a short period of time to clear to us how suitable we are for that job. 

And various universities or companies give us a golden opportunity to find our own passion through internships. Nowadays, if you search for different websites, you can find various good quality internship circulars. 

Below are the names of some of the websites in which various Internship Circulars can be found: 

  •  Youth Opportunities, 
  •  Latest Scholarship,
  •  Internship,
  •  Jobs,
  •  Summer Program, 
  • Scholarship for International Students 2021 -
  • Scholarships365

📷Leadership skills and other transferable skills

Most students do not understand the importance of transferable skills. Transparent skills are useful skills in any sector, such as communication skills, group work, problem-solving skills, IT skills, etc. 

You understand everything about your subject well, you have done very well, and you have a job as a chief engineer in a good company. 

Now a thousand staff are working under you. You have to work with them. Your biblical knowledge will not be of any use in this one place. Leadership skills are needed to get the job done here. This skill is not innate. It has to be acquired. 

How to achieve? 

Stay actively involved in various clubs of the varsity, contribute actively in organizing various programs. In this way, your leadership skills will be developed, and you will be appreciated for your quality in all aspects of your job, society, and family. The boss will appreciate you. Everyone at the party will surround you. Everyone will listen attentively when you speak.


Honors are the time to build yourself. So this time must be used. These are the things I have said that you have to accept but not. People like Bill Gates and Steve Jobs have succeeded in life by dropping out of varsity in the middle. 

But if you feel that you are not as superhuman as they are, then the above advice applies to you. Also, those who want to study abroad can start studying with GRE, IELTS, or TOEFEL. I would like to end with a famous living legend. 

Everyone knows Elon Musk. He is a self-made billionaire. He has a reputation for working a hundred hours a week. He works this one hundred hours, but he doesn't bother. Because he is doing something, he loves to do. 

But if he did something he didn't like to do, he would get bored after working a few hours, a hundred hours away. So, in Honors, we have to build ourselves, discover ourselves to find our passion, and like Elon Musk, we can do what we want. And through our work, we can contribute to making the life of the people of the world a little more beautiful.

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