Mistakes Before Starting Freelancing

Mistakes Before 

Starting Freelancing 

After developing basic skills, I feel like an expert. In 2012, when I knew SEO, I used to think of myself as an SEO expert by posting links somewhere and getting a job by logging in to Odesk.

My first mistake was to think of myself as an SEO expert if I could post links anywhere. As I was learning the basics of SEO, I realized that I did not understand SEO basics. We see many playlists all the time on YouTube, so we think I'll be an expert once I finish this whole playlist.

Different experts teach different types of basic and minor tricks useful to us in that playlist, but what is available on YouTube is definitely not client-organized video. Exactly what the client wants is not there. If you want to start working after finishing the basics, then your problem will start.

 Basic is like a kind of ABCD. Now learn ABCD. Can you pronounce a whole word? You have to learn ABCD and learn the word slowly by adjusting it. When you learn a word or two, you will see that you can slowly read and pronounce any word.

The problem with people is that they think they are experts in learning ABCD, but you will see that its scope will continue to grow if you search for any knowledge. One thing you need to understand after learning the basics is how to enhance the experience by implementing it.

To learn Photoshop or Illustrator in graphic design, become a graphic designer, think of web design, HTML, CSS education, think of yourself as a web designer, think of yourself as a video editor by editing a few videos with video editing. 

It is a great mistake to think that you are a Facebook expert if you can post on Facebook. Remember, you will never get an Experience Certificate if no one else appreciates your work and if someone else does not benefit them. 

Once you provide the service to a client, you will understand how much your experience is.

Would it be better to be admitted to a training center? I could have done it if someone had taught me. When you first learned to walk, did anyone walk with your hands on your hips? When he learned to walk, he walked alone.

 First crawled and then grabbed another object on his own and tried to walk slowly. Skill development is just like that. Everyone successful so far is like that. You just try to walk when you see someone else walking. You also have to be more discriminating with the help you render toward other people.

If you can't crawl, you won't understand how to run at the training center. In two to three months a training center will complete your full course called running.

 How can a person who does not know how to walk-run?

 They will teach you to work very quickly when you are admitted to a training center. I do not mean that they do nothing; of course, they teach something, but maybe you can't keep up with that pace. Then you call a training center fake. They don't teach anything. They just chase money. These are the things you can do and say !! 

The biggest consultants in the world are earning crores of rupees by selling knowledge, so if someone is skilled on any scale and sells that knowledge, then where is your problem? The problem is that you are not qualified to impart that knowledge. So to be admitted to a training center without any basic idea to earn money from freelancing is nothing but foolishness to me. 

Find out in advance the basics of what you want to do, how to do it, and how to use Google or YouTube tools. That way, you can at least know if you are good at it. Because after getting admitted to the training, everything can go over your head, then your entire investment will be lost. 

Google and YouTube must have all the basics, so practice at least two months of learning the basics from there. Then you will see that you do not have much to do and you do not know how to do it. But you know how to do what. Then you need a mentor who will guide you on how to tidy up your messy knowledge. 

Before entering the training center, check the background of your mentor. Many will earn you dollars, but your future can be massive, so he will know first if he has such experience. 

Admission to the training center will only be for a person; you will build a relationship and consult with him to work. If you practice the job well, that mentor will definitely take care of you because he knows you are an asset. Each student of a mentor is like a brick in a building. I could have learned it if my brother had taught me the job. 

Brother, you can't learn anything for free. There is something to be found in giving something. Now think for yourself what you will give to the person you are taking from.

Start working without understanding the difference between Basic and Advanced or Professional Skills. I started with SEO when I started working. Exactly one year later, I converted from SEO and started WordPress development. After seeing the first article, many people think that I am an SEO expert, but I am a web development expert. 

My main and powerful point is in web development. In the interest of business, I have continued AC. AC, and now I run Google, Facebook ad. So when I start SEO, I learn different techniques on how to rank a website by doing SEO and make it fast in search engines.

 So I took a job from an older brother and tried to run his client's website. But after about eight months, the website was ranked. In these 8 months, I realized that I have to learn a lot more than the basic level because your basics while working professionally are like your individual building's bricks.

If you are a professional, can you understand building a building with 8 and cement together? Now, how do I know which one is more and which one is more advanced? I list in my notebook the basic points that I had. After listing, I started doing more searches on Google on each topic.

Udemy.com is a paid course website where you can take online training through video. If you want to be a graphic designer, then search by typing Udemi Graphics Design, then many courses will come. After clicking on those courses, you can see the syllabus of the course. 

By the way, at least you know what you need to know to learn graphic design. You create a syllabus by combining the syllabus of several courses. Start learning the work by searching the names in the syllabus, specifically on YouTube. 

If you can specifically write your cochlea on YouTube, you will see that you have got many videos. Moreover, there are many snake topic-related courses available on YouTube from which you can also take more extra knowledge. 

When you do a Google search for a topic, you will come across various articles to find out about many more topics or other topics related to that topic. When you see something new from an article, you will start recharging it again. 

Now an article can have a lot more than what you want. Maybe it won't work for you right now. But if you know all the information from the article, you will see that after two to three months, all the information is working for you at the same time. 

Honestly, there is no syllabus for understanding advanced level or professional level. The more information you accumulate in your head and the more you learn, the more you will organize yourself and be professional. Do ten searches every day on the various unknown topics of the job you want to learn and read three articles on each topic every day, then you will see a kind of information from an expert. 

Now the work of knowing and understanding is over, but how to test your professional level? There must be some top expert on the school you are working with. Try to find them on Google YouTube and then follow them for a while. Follow everything from how Tarash is active on social media, what they do when they do it. Then do another job and create something just like the job he did best. 

Give a free gift to someone who needs this job and get a testimonial from them about how your job has gone. If you find a mistake at work, try to correct it. You may think that you will lose if you give it for free, but now you are not doing anything to check your qualification for free. When I learn a job and try to test my skills, I follow someone else and create the best job I have and see if I can do it. Copying is also a talent.

You should remember these tips and tricks before starting freelancing.

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