Deepfake Technology

Deepfake Technology

what is deepfake technology?

Making lies true is cursed


This technology can duplicate the look from the picture through/by artificial intelligence

Unluckily, this technology is now in the hands of bad/evil people. 98% of the work done so far with Deepfake technology is pornography. 

Using a picture of you, they will be able to perfectly replace the face of a naked person. It has so far ruined the lives of more than 1 lakh girls.

Those who still have their pictures on Facebook-Instagram should remove the pictures quickly before any damage is done. Let those who do not know about it know.

Imagine a scene⇒ Your day was as normal as any other day. Suddenly a person nearby sends you a video on the internet. After launching the video, you fell from the sky. This is a porn video, and the man in the video is you yourself. It is apparent to you that you are not in any such video. But the man in the video looks exactly like you. Eyes, nose, smile, voice are exactly the same. 

Do people want to believe you now? Your relatives or how to explain it? Very quickly, this offensive video is spreading around. You can't show your face in family and society. But there is nothing wrong with you.

With the advent of Photoshop and some other software, it is possible to create duplicate images arbitrarily and accurately. However, making fake videos was not so easy. It is not as easy to cut off one's head in a picture as it is to put it in another place. Because human voices, expressions, gestures, etc., could not be exactly imitated. This was impossible until a new technology arrived.

This technology of making/creating fake videos is called Dipfek or Dipfek technology. Using this technology, it can make fake videos of any person. Day by day, this cursed technology can create fake videos more accurately through machine learning.

How does Dipfek actually work?

Dipfeck refers to fake video or audio. Apparently, it looks real, but it is not real at all. There is a definition in the middle of the name Dipfek. Deep means deep, and fake means fake. In other words, deepfake refers to something that has been deeply imitated.

Machine learning is the main weapon in making deepfake videos. One of the techniques of machine learning is called "General Adverse Network" (GAN)

Through this, thousands of pictures of different expressions of a person are collected first. Those images can then be processed through machine learning to simulate all kinds of facial expressions. As a result of the progressive development of artificial intelligence, it is possible to mimic a person's voice. 

These videos and audios are processed in various ways to create a fake video that is very tough to identify with the naked eye.

The duration of our vision is 0.1 seconds. This means that any scene that occurs in less than 100 milliseconds will not catch our eye. Videos made with artificial intelligence are transformed in less time. So the naked eye can't verify the original-fake.

How dangerous is Dipfeck?

The modern age/era is the age of the internet. More specifically, the age of social media. As fast as news reaches people through social media, it is not possible through any other medium. So, this is a great/perfect place to spread confusion/conflict. 

The news spread quickly without any verification. Rumors quickly spread through people's mouths. There is no easier way to control people's thinking. And here is the triumph of Deepfek technology.

Thus it can have a huge impact on all social and political spheres. This technology can shatter the love and trust between a happy couple in an instant. Can cause political anarchy. There will be a huge/vast conflict between what is real and what is fake. And there is a high risk of spreading offensive/invective videos.

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